Studies in Contemporary
Architectural Theory
Clouds of Architecture
Dr Ella Chmielewska
MArch 2018
enacted text as [ a saying of ] the event in the city
This essay attempts to consider the script as a text of action in the context of the city, where it can act as both a prompt and a record of the event. A deconstruction and conceptualisation of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy’s film script, Dynamic of the Metropolis, allows an understanding of the potential graphic and visual languages that can be employed by the script as a representation of the city. The nature of the event is examined through the prism of Jacques Derrida’s lecture, A Certain Impossible Possibility of Saying the Event, before the short film, Roadliners, produced by a Glasgow based design agency O Street is used as a prompt to begin considering the road-marking as a script that is physically laid out in the city.
As a gathering of objects, the essay draws on each to set up questions and points for discussion on the relationship between the script, the city, and the event that could be offered as further prompts for thought and writing.
The essay is bound by a wider collection of texts, thoughts & writings.
Full text can be read here >